geeft informatie over legale online-muziek

21-05-2003 @ 14:56

Vandaag - 21 mei- is de nieuwe internationale website gelanceerd. De afgelopen 12 maanden zijn diverse sites gelanceerd om het muziekpubliek informatie te geven over het illegaal kopieren en verspreiden van muziek. is het nieuwste initiatief vanuit de entertainmentbranche om weerstand te bieden tegen het zonder toestemming verspreiden van muziek via internet. Doelstelling is om legale online-muziekdiensten te promoten. heeft de support van internationale allianties van artiesten, muzikanten, platenmaatschappijen en winkeliers. Hieronder het Engelse persbericht: MUSIC SECTOR CALLS FOR FANS TO GO ONLINE WITH PRO-MUSIC.ORGToday, may 21st sees the launch of, a new international initiative to promote legitimate online music services and confront the myths surrounding online music piracy. The website is supported by an international alliance of musicians, performers, artists, major and independent record companies and retailers across the music industry., which comes as several new paid-for online music services are emerging in Europe, is the legitimate music sector's latest strike against the spread of unauthorised music on the Internet. The site includes the biggest international repository of information on the growing number of legitimate online music sites now offering more than 200,000 songs to consumers. It also features a step-by-step guide to the processes in making music and the teams of people involved, viewpoints on the piracy debate from a cross-section of artists, the media and the public, and answers to frequently asked questions about copyright laws for online music.Pro-music has already attracted widespread support from across the music sector. It is endorsed by IFPI and IMPALA, representing thousands of record companies worldwide; GERA-Europe, representing entertainment retailers in Europe; GIART, representing music performers in Europe; and the international musicians union FIM. Pro-music has also drawn statements of support from a range of artists of all music genres from across Europe, as well as music companies such as MTV Europe and digital music distributor OD2. Jay Berman, IFPI chairman and CEO, said: "The success in the US of Apple's iTunes, which saw sales of over one million songs in less than a week, is proof that if it's done right, music lovers want to get music in a way that rewards the artists and creators - that is, by paying for it.""The point of this initiative is to arm people with knowledge. The site is an important resource for news and information about legitimate music online: where to find it, how it works, why it's important and what the artists and creators of music think. Once they have gone through the site we hope people will stop and think about the impact of their choices as consumers of music. And they can make their own minds up next time someone asks, 'so what's the problem with getting music 'free' on the net?'".This is not the first such public awareness campaign aimed at informing the public about illegal copying and distribution of music. Several national campaigns have been launched over the past 12 months, such as "" in the US, "Save Music" in Japan, "" in Canada and "BRN>BRNT" in New Zealand. Pro-music is the first international public awareness venture, with plans to roll out on a national level in several European countries in coming year. The site features the following sections:*Making Music: a look behind the scenes at the specialist skills and practical experience needed to do some of the hundreds of different jobs that help musicians and artists attain their vision and get it out to the world. Making Music also expresses views from across the music-making community, from top successful managers to aspiring music students at the very start of their career.*Artists Speak: a range of artists and musicians, at different stages in their careers, explain how they feel about having their music taken without permission, how it effects the work and livelihoods of all those involved and how it stunts the development of new talent. *Music Online: the largest international listing of online digital music services and retailers, this section carries links to scores of music download sites and other sources of information about online music. It also contains news, commentary and a time-line the music sector's moves to create an online music business. *Viewpoints: features quotes from music specialists, including large and small record labels, music associations, retailers and the media. The section also provides an overview of other campaigns launched by music groups from around the world.*Free Music?: This section confronts some of the biggest myths about on-line music piracy, such as "File sharing and burning is just like home taping, and that never killed the music sector", and "Free music sounds great - what's the problem?" *On Copyright: Copyright is often misunderstood or misrepresented as serving only the interests of big business. "On Copyright" explains why copyright is needed and what the laws mean. This section also provides a more technical explanation on how to reset or uninstall p2p software to stay legal, and provides guidance for companies and colleges who wish to implement policies to avoid copyright theft.

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